Sunday, September 26, 2010


Using dictionaries are always a good way to increase your vocabulary and get the meaning of new words, but as your English level improves you also need to improve your search, as well.
Here's an example on how you should do it according to your increasing level:

  • starter students must use their native language / English language dictionaries.
  • intermediate students must start using both their native language / English language and English / English dictionaries, as well. This way, they will force themselves to search the meanings into the studied language and start getting a high control of it.
  • advanced students are not allowed to use a native language / English language dictionary anymore, unless they're searching for a new word.
So, dear students, if you're in an intermediate or advanced level and you're reading a magazine or something like that in English, try to search the new vocabulary on an English / English dictionary. This way, you'll get enough fluency and whole control of the language.

On the right sidebar you will find some useful links including dictionaries... English / English ones!